Sunday, August 29, 2010

How To Pull Hoes: Back To School Edition (Don't Flunk Trying To Fuck)

So, school is starting back up, and your surplus of summer hoes have left you, and you have to start a new. Don’t worry, the start of a semester is the perfect time to find a slut.

1. School Supply Shopping- Sure, shopping for school supplies doesn’t seem like the most exciting thing in the world, but you can liven it up by buying a few items that may come in handy..

Ruler- This is pretty obvious, right? You can even buy one of the mini rulers, or use a centimeter stick instead. After all, mathematical conversion aren’t exactly a hoe’s strong point, so when you say that your dick is 16 centimeters long, you can imagine how excited the hoe might be! Also good for measuring things in math class, such as, well, whatever you might do in math class.

Hole Puncher- Everyone is going to need to put holes in their papers eventually, though, if you’re doing your job right, you will be punching her hole yourself, no assistance needed!

Post-It Notes- These come in handy when you need to remind yourself of something in the future. Whether it be for a paper that you have due at the end of the week, or if you think you’re going to forget a hoe’s name after sex, just write it on a post it note, stick it on her forehead, and you have nothing to fear!

Those are just a few, I’m sure you’ll find practical uses for plenty of other school supplies if you try hard enough to implement them into the bedroom! (Disclaimer: White out cannot erase mistakes made with fat girls)

2. Picking Your Classes- This is a tough one, because you don’t want to build a schedule based solely around hoes, so you have to a have a steady balance of bitches and buddies. Avoid sausage fest classes like woodshop (Unless you like your A’s as easy as you like your hoes), because the only wood getting any attention in that class will be what you’re working on. Perhaps a cooking class would suit you better, and scope out the girls who make the best cookies. A hoe skilled with dough is a real plus. But if you don’t get a favorable schedule, it’s no big deal, there will be hoes in all of your classes. Unless of course you go to an all-boys school, in which case, err, I’m so sorry.

3. The First Day- A nerve-racking one indeed, you can make or break yourself on the first day. Don’t be too friendly, but don’t be too much of a loner or else you’ll be alone, stuck with your boner.

- If you aren’t careful, and offer to carry a girl’s books, she may offer to carry your child. First day pregnancies are no good!

- Sit in the back of the classroom whenever you can, it leaves the best opportunity for fooling around while there is schooling around.

- Most importantly, don’t show up to class before everyone else, you don’t want to be known around the school as “the guy who comes too early”.

More than anything, don’t be awkward, don’t try too hard to be cool, and don’t trip on the stairs, and you’ll have an advantage over most of the other guys.

I’ll check in later in the week and see if I can’t assign some HOE-mwork for you guys.

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